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In-Store Events and Activities

Listed are some of our upcoming in-store events and activities.

Ticket sales are available online (with fees) and in-store (with no fees).

Meet our Event Staff

These are the people that make our events great

Betty Gallaher

Betty Gallaher

Betty Gallaher is a spiritual messenger, intuitive counselor, and medium. Born and raised in California, she has been sharing her gifts her entire life with clients who seek guidance and clarity in their interpersonal and professional lives. She helps people find clarity in their joys and their struggles, gives guidance in problem-solving, and assistance finding their life purpose. As an energy healer, Reiki Master and teacher, she cleanses turmoils from clients' energies.πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’ž

Alana Tracy

Alana Tracy

As an experienced energy healer, Alana Tracy specializes in guiding individuals through profound journeys of self-discovery and healing. In her sanctuary of sound, she cultivates a safe and nurturing space for love and self-discovery to flourish. Here, participants embark on a profound voyage of self-exploration, shedding layers of doubt and inhibition to embrace their true essence fully. At the heart of her practice lies the belief that self-love and self-acceptance are essential catalysts for personal growth and healing. Through gentle guidance and unwavering support, Alana empowers participants to embrace their innate worthiness, fostering a deep sense of self-love and acceptance that radiates outwards, transforming lives and illuminating paths towards holistic well-being.

Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer

Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer

Author Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer is a dream specialist and coach. As a member of the Southern California Regional Committee of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, her expertise in dreamwork has led to an expansive career helping others explore their subconscious. Her passion and exploration of dreamwork spans more than forty years, and she has journaled over eight thousand of her own dreams. Working with her dreams for so many years has given her tremendous insight into every aspect of her life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Knowing the immense guidance and wisdom available through dreamwork, she is committed to teaching others how to work with and understand their dreams for personal transformation and growth. By bringing conscious awareness to their dreams, people can live more passionate, purposeful, and authentic lives.In addition to authoring her own book, DreamTracking: Track Your Dreams and Transform Your Life, she was a review editor for the Dream Network Journal for nine years, and is a Law of Attraction certified coach. In addition, she is a contributing author to the book 101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career.Β